Let’s talk about low back weakness, the exercises you should be doing and the exercises you should not be doing until you get that strength up.
It is estimated that 75%-85% of Americans experience some sort of back pain in their lifetime. If this pain is not from a specific injury or medical condition, it is most likely due to low back/core weakness. Weak core muscles will not have the strength to hold the spine up and in line, leading to pain and discomfort. If you have a sedentary desk job, this is something to look out for since the core is not getting the stimulus it needs.
Exercises to to avoid if you have a weak lower back/core and why:
Exercises to do to strengthen the low back/core and why:
When it comes to core strengthening exercises you want to first work on core stabilization and anti-movements(anti-rotation, anti flexion and extension). This creates a greater ability to resist force, making your low back/core stronger during not just a workout, but also daily life. Once you are feeling strong in these movements, you can start to add in flexion, extension and rotation movements.
A weak core/low back is unfortunately very common in today’s world. But there are ways to combat it and make yourself stronger!