Services offered:
Also known as “classic massage”. This uses light pressure to induce relaxation and improved blood flow.
Deep tissue
As opposed to Swedish, this uses deeper pressure and more specialized techniques to work on deeper levels of the muscle to improve blood flow, reduce tightness, discomfort and improve range of motion.
Sports Massage
This type of massage will a combination of deep tissue, trigger point release, pin-and-stretch and PNF to reduce tightness, decrease adhesions, improve recovery and finally enhance movement.
Sports Massage with joint work
Using the same techniques as sports massage combined with some joint mobilization to decrease any restrictions, stimulate joint fluid production and pain reduction.
What is Sports massage?
It’s an umbrella term for multiple massage techniques used to aide in recovery and improve range of motion after exercise. Individual bodyworkers may use different techniques.
Does Swedish massage give any benefits besides relaxation?
The massage can decrease stress hormones released by the body additionally, it can lead to reduced blood pressure with several treatments (Gholami-Motlagh et al., 2016; Hodgson and Lafferty, 2012).
How do I decide between deep tissue and Swedish massage?
If you can enjoy massages with more pressure and want to focus more on improving range of motion and discomfort due to muscle tightness deep tissue is recommended. If you prefer a massage that uses light pressure and focuses more on both physical and psychological relaxation, then Swedish would be suitable.
Is it better to have massage before or after exercise?
Unless you specifically request Pre-event massage, which is designed to excite the muscles and increase blood flow. It is recommended that you do massage after exercise as you may find your muscles to be too relaxed before lifting heavy weights.
What is Pin-and-stretch technique? What are its benefits?
Part of the sports massage routine, your bodyworker will place an anchor (this may be thumb or knuckle) with one hand and stretch your limb with another. The purpose is to isolate part of the muscle to allow for more focused work. This can lead to improved motion of soft tissue and released entrapped nerves, improved blood flow and lymphatic system.
What are “knots”?
Knots are points of adhesions-muscle fibers bunched together. Knots can be formed by a sedentary lifestyle or repetitive movements that cause the muscle fibers to stick together. This can lead to decreased flexibility, increased level of pain and even muscle weakness (Bron and Dommerholt, 2012).
What are trigger points? Are they the same as knots?
Trigger points are essentially knots that can cause local or referred pain. You or a massage therapist can feel them, they are painful nodules in your muscle. Techniques such as trigger point release can help to remove these nodules, reduce pain and increase function of the muscle (Seidenberg H. and Beutler, L., 2008).
How could massage benefit an athlete?
Scar tissue development, stress hormone production, swelling and adhesions are all inevitable consequences of physical activity. Massage has been shown to alleviate these symptoms, increase dopamine and can even reduce muscle soreness and inflammation post workout (Field et al., 2005; Zainuddin et al., 2005).
Could massage have any benefits on sleep?
Massage may be able to reduce insomnia and improve sleep pattern allowing individuals to experience the deeper stages of sleep (Hachul et al., 2014; Kashani and Kashani, 2014).