It is important to understand that success can only come with consistency. It’s about finding pleasure in the journey, about overcoming the fear of what-if, about showing up day-after-day so that you can build the life, career, or body you want. None of that is possible without making a conscious choice everyday, to do the things you need to do to become the person you wish to be. Only then will you have the momentum where results start to show. And by then, you’ll have fallen in love with the process, guaranteeing you further success as you continue.
Too many people are focused on the outcome instead of falling in love with the journey. You can sacrifice all that you are to arrive at a goal, only to lose what you’ve gained because that isn’t who you are, it’s only who you sacrifice yourself to try to be. You didn’t put in the real work to make you that person — establishing the routines, adopting a new lifestyle, making the slow and necessary changes over time. Instead, you thought you could expedite the process. You told yourself to make sacrifices to arrive at the end goal, but once you got there you didn’t know how to keep it.
The life you want lies within the choices you make everyday, but you have to love the process. You can’t simply focus on writing the summary and then wonder why you don’t have a book yet.